Autel IM608 Pro and Xtool X100 PAD3 Comparison

 Today we have Xtool X100 PAD3 SE with KC501 programmer, and then of course we have the AUTEL IM608 PRO with XP400 Pro, we have all hooked up, I want to explain to you guys at differences, similarities.   Similarities: They are both for programmers, for diagnostics, there’s many options for both machines.   They both have smart key emulators for…


2012 Town and Country Used PCM Replacement using Autel IM608 Pro

 Hey Guys, I will be covering how to configure a used PCM module on a 2012 Chrysler Town and Country. In this article, I will show: -What tools and set up are required to do this procedure. -Important terms applying to Chryslers vehicles. -Identify the Chrysler immobilizer systems. -How to know which procedures that needs…
