How to Start HHT-WIN directly from Shortcut?

Q:  Does anyone have a list of command line arguments/parameters for starting mb star diagnostic SD Connect C4 HHT-Win directly from shortcuts? For example, I know that “HHTPKW.exe -b140” will start HHTWin for the W140 (gas version), and -b129 will start it for the R129. I’d be interested in other arguments or parameters that might be…


2018.9 Xentry OpenShell Win7 32Bit adds HHT-WIN

Good news!!! has launched 2018.09 MB Star diagnostic WIN7 32BIT format HDD/SSD software. Supports HHT-WIN. Perfect working with Starfinder, supports EPC accessory price inquiry, supports PL72 price inquiry system, includes vediamo 15GB database, supports DTS.  The difference between win7 32bit and win7 64bit format: 1) Win7 32bit works perfectly with HHTWIN (some old models…


MB Star HHT-WIN Windows 7 Installation Guide

Today, I’ll chip in some words with Windows 7 (XP Mode) installation of HHT – Hand Held Tester for Mercedes mb star diagnostic with SD connect C4 or Part D (C3). Here you go. How to add HHT shortcuts to All Users Folder in Windows XP  With the Windows XP Virtual Machine running, right-click on the Windows XP Start…
